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From Society's Women
Divine Feminine

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Hey Divine Loves!

I am Yashna, your Feminine Awareness Coach.

If there is one thing that I have learned about friendships, relationships, partnerships, marriage, parenthood and, entrepreneurship, is that one of the most important things to have in this life is Value of Self. Self-Value as a woman and as a divine feminine.

Without self-value, nothing seems to work as we want. Nor do they feel right or make sense.


What is self-value?

Self-value is that feeling of knowing that you truly deserve, that you are worthy, that you are important. It is having a sense of purpose and taking the necessary actions towards your purpose because you know how valuable you are when you perform at and feel your best.

If you feel that you do not know your own value just yet, it is absolutely fine. However, would you rather continue with a life that feels valueless, worthless? Or, create the beautiful life that each and every woman deserves? The life that you are worthy of? The life that you are capable of creating for your divine self?

Because your capability is not defined by your physical abilities. Rather, your mental and emotional intelligence. It is having a self-awareness within your womanhood and femininity that elevates you beyond this repetitive cycle of the current day-to-day survival game that society has created for you.

Check out the video below for a little surprise! :)

If the questions in the video have triggered you to create a better life in your imagination, your thoughts, your mind, then let me be the first to tell you that your energy has just shifted. You have allowed yourself to create the space in your life for new possibilities. you have opened doors that you may not have even known were there.

Now, your next step is to be clear on where you are at in your life presently so you can be clear on where you want to go from here. You can only ever start where you are in the present moment, from who you are now, with what you know now, with what you have now, and it will cost you nothing but your own ego (don't worry, we all have them!). ;)

I have created for you Divine Women, some powerful questions that will further trigger you to think deeply about your womanhood and femininity.

An audio MP3 version is also available for download which includes a guided meditation before I take you through the series of questions to calm, relax and center you so you can better access your subconscious mind and bring forth answers from the core of your authentic being.

You will learn with heightened awareness...


Who/What/How you thought you were.


Who/What/How you are now.


Who/What/How you desire to be.

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